Eastern Flyway Peaks

October 5, 2017 by Elizabeth Howard

It was a spectacular week along the Atlantic, from New Hampshire to North Carolina. Who's watching monarchs - and what can we learn?

Are you watching monarchs like Ms. Frey's students at Trinity Valley School in Ft. Worth, Texas? #JNshare what you're doing!

Action in the East

The eastern flyway was the place to be this week. A long-awaited cold front brought north winds and the monarchs set sail. Peak migration was reported all along the Atlantic coast, from New Hampshire to North Carolina, and then at points inland.

New York: "While we were out at recess, we saw at least 20 monarch butterflies. One flew under one student's chin!" reported 3rd and 4th graders from Fire Island on September 29th.

New Jersey: "Wow! What a weekend in Cape May. This has been the biggest year since 2012. We saw an influx of migrating monarchs on Friday and Saturday, September 29 and 30th, with a departure of most on Sunday morning Oct. 1st. Our driving census for Saturday was 279 per hour. A point count in the dunes was up to over 700 per hour," reported Paige Cunningham of Cape May Monarch Project.

Trickling into Texas

The migration's leading edge is now entering Texas. The first roost was reported this week, but it was a small one. Stubborn south winds appear to be holding the butterflies back.

Keep an eye on the wind map to predict what will happen in the week ahead.

Who's Watching Monarchs?

Observers across North America are telling the story of monarch migration. What interesting details did their observations reveal this week? People saw monarchs...

Who's Watching Monarchs? #JNshare what you're doing...