Expanding North and East

May 25, 2017 by Elizabeth Howard

Monarchs have now expanded across 1 billion acres of breeding habitat from the 7 acres of winter habitat they occupied in Mexico.

"Generation 1 is here! Just watched a fresh female lay at least 2 dozen eggs in my yard!" Candy Sarikonda Sylvania, Ohio May 17, 2017

Sightings Surge

More monarchs of the 1st spring generation are now on the wing. Almost 100 first sightings were reported this week; that's 10% of this spring's total.

Recolonizing New England

Also this week, monarchs arrived in 5 of the 6 New England states: RI, CT, MA, VT, ME.

"Picking the first lilacs of the season and there he/she was flying around the yard! Made us so happy!" Mia Strong, Sedgwick, Maine, May 24, 2017.

"A very faded but otherwise perfect female came through the yard checking out my milkweed species. I was so stunned I couldn't get a photo before she was off again. This is the earliest for a monarch here at Waystation 2638. Predicting a very good year!" Dwayne Taylor, Salem, MA, May 20, 2017

A Promising Prediction

Earlier-than-normal arrivals in the northeastern U.S. mean an early beginning of the breeding season there, and a promise of higher-than-normal numbers this summer.

Looking Ahead

Milkweed has now emerged across the monarch's breeding range. When will the migration reach the end of the milkweed trail? Report your sightings and let's see.