First Signs of Migration!

March 8, 2018 by Elizabeth Howard

The first migrants of spring migration 2018 have been reported north of the sanctuaries.

Monarchs in flight at El Rosario Sanctuary on Monday, March 5, 2018 by Estela Romero.

First Monarchs on the Way!

The news was early, but it was sudden and certain. On March 3rd, two substantial sightings were reported north of the sanctuaries:

45 miles northwest in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Gilberto Ruiz counted 587 monarchs as they flew overhead. He began seeing some butterflies migrating north on February 24th, but only in small numbers.

65 miles northeast in Tequisquiapan, Querataro, Noami Suss saw 50-100 monarchs over a 3-hour period also on March 3rd.

News from the Sanctuaries

These observations match what was seen at the sanctuaries. Millions of monarchs are now en route to northern Mexico, Ellen Sharp announced from Cerro Pelon, the sanctuary with this season's largest population.

"By March 2, dense clusters had become light smatterings of monarchs dusting the trees. They filled the air more than they filled the trees. We saw them nectaring. We saw them mating. We saw them flying. Possibly flying away entirely." More...

Estela's experience was similar at El Rosario:

"The wonderful performance reported to you last week, was still spectacular but diminished in density by last Friday, March 2nd. But today, March 5th, that spectacular spot is now actually empty as you can see in the images." More...

Get ready to report your sightings - spring migration 2018 is officially underway!

Population News Announced