Monarch movement along the Gulf, much of Texas in a drought
Moving into Texas
By Jacob Swanson, Journey North
Monarchs have been on the move for a few weeks now, and the latest reports have them progressing north to Dallas and Caspiana, Louisiana, just southeast of Shreveport. We also received our first report from Oklahoma last week! It should only be a matter of time before more monarch watchers in Oklahoma and Arkansas are seeing their first monarchs.
Much of Texas is quite dry at the moment, especially through central Texas, where certain areas are in "exceptional drought," the highest intensity categorized by the U.S. Drought Monitor (see the map above or to the right). Chuck Patterson in Driftwood, Texas, shared two photos with the Monarch Watch Dplex list of the same location, one on March 15 of last year, and the other on March 15 of this year, showing the changes in vegetation monarchs will find this year as they pass through central Texas. Despite the dry conditions, Chuck reported three eggs on March 12.
The northernmost egg reports received so far this year were from observers in Mansfield and Glen Rose, Texas. Sara in Glen Rose wrote on March 17, "Texas in the spring is windy! Thinking like a monarch I looked in a lower area on our property that is protected from the wind. I found 9 eggs on small antelope horn milkweed sprouts!!!"
Areas along the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern side of Texas are less dry, and unsurprisingly, we've received more reports in these areas.
In Jamaica Beach, Texas, near Galveston, Lorrie reported 30 monarchs on March 15, writing, "Saw random Monarchs in flight in numerous natural areas around Galveston Island today. Very blustery day and they were being blown around, but still in flight. At about 7:20 p.m., found 15-20 Monarchs gathering to roost in an east-facing palm tree, protected by a building from the prevailing west wind, about 250 yards from the gulf waters. Found about a dozen still there on 3/16/25 before 8 a.m. - 7 in one clump, 2 in another, and the rest singles in nearby palm fronds."
Reports also continued along the Gulf into Louisiana.
"Exciting! Observed five (5) individual monarchs (AM/PM). The physical condition of the monarchs varied," wrote Ron in New Iberia, Louisiana, on March 17. "The butterflies were engaged in seeking nectar to laying eggs. Arrival in observed ecosystem occurred throughout the day."
Continuing southeast, Lou in Houma, Louisiana, reported a monarch "stopping in for a flower break" on March 17.
The first reports from Mississippi have also come in, with Janet in Pass Christian's March 6 report the first of the year. South Carolina and North Carolina also received reports, with one on March 11 from Asheville, North Carolina.
"Very first sighting of Monarchs on 3/11 in the afternoon in the woods near the Blue Ridge Parkway. Temperature was sunny and in the mid 70's," Susan wrote.
If you're seeing monarchs, we want to hear from you! Even if the sighting was a few days ago, you can still report it by changing the date in the Journey North sightings form.
"A splendorous small colony"
By Estela Romero, for Journey North
The remaining significant numbers of monarchs make of El Rosario a still splendorous small colony to contemplate.
It all seems that mating has been rather low, with the season now almost ending.
Very generous, warm wind blows waves during the day, which should help them speed onwards during their travels north.
Temperatures of 40°C hitting Mexican coastal regions have been reflecting temperatures surrounding 20°C and even slightly warmer temperatures at overwintering spots.
Our farewell to them encourages new art expressions and hand-made crafts all over the region showing how they have influenced us for generations.
Our monarchs adorn spaces all around, cascading down our mountains day-by-day in moderate quantities, vivid, in a harmonious hurry, optimistic and proud to know they are fulfilling their ancestral mission with their own species.
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Una cantidad significativa de Monarcas hacen de El Rosario una pequeña pero esplendorosa colonia por contemplar aún.
Continúa pareciendo que su apareamiento ha sido más bien bajo mientras la temporada casi llega al final.
Generosas rachas de aire tibio durante el día son seguramente de gran ayuda para acelerar su trayecto hacia el norte.
40 Celcious se han alcanzado ya en las costas Mexicanas, lo que se refleja en temperaturas rodeando los 20 Celcious e incluso ligeramente más cálidas en los sitios de hibernación.
Nuestra despedida para ellas motiva expresiones de arte y de artesanías a mano por todos lados en la región expresando como nos han influido por generaciones.
Nuestras Monarcas adornan por todos lados al bajar de nuestras montañas día a día en cantidades moderadas, vívidas, en apuro armonioso, optimistas y orgullosas de saber que están cada vez más cerca de cumplir ya con su misión ancestral para con su propia especie.
Estela Romero
Journey North
Angangueo, Michoacán, México
Estela Romero is an environmental educator with Monarchs Across Georgia. Reporting from Angangueo, Michoacán, Estela Romero's work is made possible by funding from Monarchs Across Georgia and the Monarch Butterfly Fund. Estela Romero es educadora ambiental de Monarchs Across Georgia. Informando desde Angangueo, Michoacán, el trabajo de Estela Romero es posible gracias a la financiación de Monarchs Across Georgia y el Monarch Butterfly Fund.
In case you missed it, we have an announcement
Just in case you didn't see it, we announced on Monday that Journey North is in the process of transitioning to a new home with the Monarch Joint Venture.
All of your news updates and social media content will remain the same, and you can continue reporting your sightings the same way you always have, but this move will help ensure future sustainability and future growth for the program.