Letter From Estela Romero: Monarchs Prepare For Imminent Departure



Oddly, monarchs settled at the same spot since their arrival this past fall until now. Their departure appears to be imminent. This past week, we witnessed their first main movement. Visitors are lucky to watch this unusual monarch activity.

The El Rosario colony has moved from about one hundred meters northwest, with a slight southern orientated. This new location is approximately 500 meters further downhill reaching the main visitors' staircase. This new location is in a totally opposite direction to their traditional spring locations which have been for years occupied. These locations are called Los Letreros, Las Balsitas, and Río Grande creek.

El Rosario Sanctuary occupies now a more significant area expanding from coordinates 19.5924699 / 100.2621749 to 19.59106217 / 100.2646174.

Mating intensifies! Torn and tattered individuals are seen everywhere. Tags collected shall provide additional information on migration patterns. The forecast predicts high temperatures for the week.

Some numbers seem to have made their way north already. Our friends from Correo Real have reported a considerable number of first sightings around 50-60 kilometers from the overwintering spots.

Our incredible migrating queens prepare for the imminent massive departure which, for some, might happen a little earlier this season!


Estela Romero, Journey North

Angangueo, Michoacán, México

Read the Spanish version of Estela Romero’s letter»

[original submitted, 02/28/2023; edited by N Sheehan and published, 02/28/2023]

Monarchs flying high around the tree canopy

Canopy Activity

El Rosario Sanctuary, Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve