Letter From Estela Romero: Awaiting Final Departure


Last week’s 3-4 day rain at the overwintering sites was refreshing for the remaining population at Sierra Chincua and El Rosario Sanctuaries. The rains prompted blooming. And the rain provided moisture for the soil and water for streams.  

Cooler temperatures held-up monarchs for a few more days at their colonies.

Around 60-80 trees are still showing small to medium clusters at both sanctuaries. 

At the El Rosario Sanctuary, the colony is located halfway up by the visitor’s entrance staircase. At the Sierra Chincua Sanctuary, monarchs remain at the Las Palmas site. This site is at the edge of the forest at one of the highest points for viewing the valley. As monarchs stream down from El Rosario Sanctuary, they join this colony making it larger for now.

Temperatures keep raising. As March draws to a close, monarchs could surprise us with the great final departure any day this week.

Estela Romero Journey North

Angangueo, Michoacán, México

Read Carta de Estela Romero: En espera de salida definitive>>

remaining monarch roost hanging from trees

Remaining Colony

El Rosario Sanctuary, Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
monarch colonies

Still Here

El Rosario Sanctuary, Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve