Eastern Monarch Report Spring 2023: Report #2


Published: 04/05/2023

Migrating Monarchs

Reports are slowly picking up. Tulsa, Oklahoma continues to be a hot spot. The leading edge of migration is around latitude 37°N with one observational report submitted in Springfield, Missouri. Along the east, monarchs are making their way northward through the Carolinas.

Chris in Springfield, MO: "No milkweed has sprouted yet at this location." (04/03/2023)

Milkweed Emergence

Milkweed emergence is behind last year’s pace. Perhaps this can be attributed to the winter-like start to spring that much of North America has experienced lately. Keep your eye on where milkweed has emerged. Is milkweed growing fast enough to keep up with the pace of migration? Explore our Milkweed (First Sighted) map to find out.

Laura in Tulsa, OK: “Asclepias tuberosa just barely peeking out through the soil in a few different spots in my yard. It has been quite warm the past few days and this appeared literally overnight.” (04/02/2023)

Dianna in Cincinnati, OH: "Saw small plants ½” tall that I think are milkweed coming where they were last year." (03/30/2023)

Randy in Gambrills, MD: "Butterfly milkweed." (04/01/2023)

Eggs and Larvae

Less milkweed means fewer opportunities for monarchs to lay eggs. If you are seeing monarch eggs, please report these observations to Journey North

Paula in Howe, OK: "My 1st monarch laying eggs on the small sprouts of milkweed. Sunny, windy, and 64°." (04/01/2023)

Elizabeth in Atlanta, GA: "One of 8 eggs that I have found on emerging butterfly weed in my garden. Saw two monarchs laying eggs yesterday and a third monarch flying late in the day." (04/02/2023)

Daniel in Roland, AR: "First Monarch showed up today. Was busy all afternoon laying eggs in the syriaca patch and the tuberosa patch." (04/03/2023)

Reports of Larvae are largely concentrated in Texas and throughout the Gulf Coast.

Gina in Seguin, TX: "Single caterpillar on green milkweed." (04/02/2023)

Report Your Observations and Include Photos

As migration gains momentum, remember to report your monarch observations to Journey North.

Whenever possible, include photos in your reports. Photos provide indicators such as wing condition to help determine if a monarch is migratory or not.