Winter Robins

February 7, 2018 by Rita Welch

Robins are nomadic at this time of year. They go where the food is - and move on when it's gone.

Let us know where you are seeing waves of robins roosting in trees, feasting on berries, and drinking from streams, puddles, and birdbaths. Image by Marion Durrwachter

Waves of Wanderers

Flocks of robins go where they can find food in the winter. When one source becomes depleted, they wander to another place. Their wandering can change dramatically because of food availability and weather patterns.

From Alaska to Florida, observers described the wintering behaviors they witnessed:

Alaska: "14 degrees and a flock of 25 robins landed in the apple tree and began eating the remains of last summers apples," wrote Paul from Homer on February 1st.

Ohio: "This morning around 10 a.m. there were about 50 robins in and under my crabapple tree. Partly sunny and mid-20's - most of our snow has melted," wrote Julie from Bay Village on February 3rd.

Florida: "Great to see the waves of robins, hungry and eating bugs. I am seeing the flock leave and the next day, another flock arrives. This is the third day," wrote Cheryl from Monticello on February 1st.

Keep watching and reporting overwintering robins, first robins, waves (3 or more) of migrating robins, first singing robins, and first earthworms.

Winter Robins