Raising Babies

July 1, 2018 by Rita Welch

Robins are busy raising a new generation.

During the summer months, robin parents work from sunrise to sunset raising two to four broods.
 Image by USWFSmidwest/CC BY-NC 2.0

Family Time

Always on duty, robin parents work as a team to feed, shelter and protect their young. When nestlings fledge, both parents continue to bring them food until mom starts building a new nest for the next clutch of eggs. Dad teaches fledglings to forage for food, recognize dangers, and roost in trees with other robins. The fledglings also learn from other robins when dad leaves to help with new nestlings.

Robin Facts and FAQ's

At this time of year people often have questions about nests, eggs, and babies:

Q. Can I move or relocate a robin nest?

Q. What can I do if I find an intact egg on the ground?

Q. What can I do if I find an abandoned baby robin?

Q. If a nestling falls from the nest, can I put it back?

Keep Watching and Reporting

Thank you citizen scientists for your observations and photos that helped us track their journey north. Please continue to report nesting behaviors to our map. Enjoy a summer of robin-watching!

Baby Robins in the Nest