Seeing Robins In February?

February 6, 2019 by Nancy Sheehan

Report your sightings of American Robins and help document where robins are present at this time of year.

American Robins feasting on berries from a prairie fire crabapple tree. These backyard fruit trees are important food sources during the late winter months. Photo By: Denise, Portsmouth, NH (Date: 02/04/2019)

Even On the Coldest Days, Robins Promise The Return of Spring

The return of robins is a favorite sign of spring in northern regions. Journey North volunteers submitted these observations.

In Verona, Wisconsin, Ray noted: "The polar vortex, with three days of temps ranging from -10 to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, has just ended and I was back walking the trail in 25 degree Fahrenheit weather. And lo, there was a flock of 12-14 robins congregating in an area with a spring and running, open water." (Date: 02/03/2019)

In Covington, Kentucky, Richard found: "30 robins appeared right on the bricks in our street and were eating off of the Bradford pears and sunflower seeds out on the ground there. It was beautiful to see so many just after the partial polar vortex left the area." (Date: 02/02/2019)

Help Us Track American Robins

By submitting your observations, you help to create the kind of information needed to answer tough questions like the one posed by Journey North volunteer, Paul.

In Osoyoos, British Columbia, Paul asks: On the coldest day of winter 2018-19 (15 degrees Fahrenheit), during a windstorm out of the north at 30-50 MPH, I noticed the first robin of 2019 hopping under leafless bushes, pecking at ground leaves. There's little cover for winter shelter, and no sign of any ground or flying bugs in this weather. What brings a robin north so far in advance of favorable spring shelter and feeding conditions? (Date: 02/04/2019)

Use the spring checklist to learn what to watch for this spring—wintering robins, first robins, first signing robins, waves of robins, first earthworms, and nesting behavior.