Tulips Blooming Across the US

April 21, 2020 by Team Journey North

As Earth Day approaches, tulips are blooming across much of the US and are starting to bloom in Canada.

"Tulips planted by the TZ garden club!" Submission by Kara (Greencastle, IN; 04/09/2020)

Tulips Emerging

Tulips are blooming throughout the US but some test gardens in the northern latitudes – where fluctuating spring weather is still bringing wintry conditions – are reporting emerging tulips. 

From Millinocket, ME: Laura shared, “the days are long and unsettling for the students at Stearns Jr/Sr High School. The tulips emerging from their winter beds reminded them that this, too, will pass. Like the tulips that waited all winter under a cloud of snow, they also will emerge and join their friends to admire the tulips under the warm sun and blue skies.” (04/06/2020)

From Staples, MN: Cathy noted, “It has still been cold and snowy here in Staple, MN, however, here is our first tulip that has emerged.” (04/15/2020)

Tulips Blooming

The first report of blooming tulips in Canada has come in from Waterloo, Ontario. Tomorrow (April 22) is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and the sight of blooming tulips is a simple yet timely reminder of the beauty of our planet.

From Waterloo, ON: Heather shared, “Greigii tulips - early bloomers - in a sheltered spot close to foundation of house. Bright sunny day, about 11'C.” (04/08/2020)

From Oregon City, OR: Margo observed, “all of our bulbs produced blooms. These had been blooming for a while when I was able to get back to school to check on them." (04/10/2020)

From Donnellson, IA: Debbie saw, “some lovely white and yellow tulips are blooming. The red ones on the back left side will be blooming soon. We have 6 to 10 inches of snow coming this afternoon and overnight, so thought I'd better get a picture now.” (04/16/2020)

From St. Paul, MN: Sarah said, “We noticed they [tulips] are growing on the south side where the tulips are not in the shadow from the big tree. In the shadow they are not blooming.” (4/19/2020)

Are you seeing emerging or blooming tulips? Be sure to report your sightings.

Exploring Together

Looking for fun activities to do at home? Journey North has many informative educational resources and activities.

Check out resources related to When, Where and How Plants Grow, and how to Protect Your Tulips from Hungry Critters

Let's explore together!

Signs of Spring

What makes you think of spring? What else are noticing besides tulips?

Submit your other signs of spring sightings to Journey North: Go to the Journey North sightings page and under the ‘Select Species or Event‘ dropdown menu, select ‘All Other Signs of Spring’.