Still Nectaring Along Migration Routes

October 6, 2020 by Team Journey North

With temperatures falling and daylight dimming, hummingbirds are packing on the calories to build energy reserves for the journey south.

"I was really surprised to see this bird. This is 2 weeks later than I have seen an adult male before. He appeared to be healthy and hungry!" Photo: Linda (Highland, MD; 09/29/2020)

Making Their Way South

Journey North citizen scientists are still reporting – with some surprise – hummingbirds busy nectaring throughout the Mid-Atlantic, New England, upper Midwest, and southern Ontario, Canada.

Denise in Deansboro, NY: "I always leave 1 feeder out for the travelers. I saw 1 [hummingbird] today that fed several times and then went about on his journey." (10/01/2020)

Pat in Waterloo, ON: "An amazing day today of 1, maybe 2, juvenile visitor/s every 15 minutes all day long. This is unique here in Waterloo, Ontario but I am thrilled to see her. I always leave clean feeders up until Thanksgiving and today I am thankful. Fatten up little girl and be on your way." (10/04/2020)

Alicja in Meriden, CT: "1 adult female RT hummer quickly feeding from the Lantana bush on deck, then from the Sun Impatiens on patio, then from the Rose of Sharon. Moved on quickly, obviously a migrant." (10/04/2020)

Mary in Geneva, IL:  "Holy cow!! Have never seen a hummingbird this late! She has spent all day here enjoying plenty of stops at the feeder." (10/04/2020)

Marjorie in Lowell, MI: "One hummingbird was around all day. This is the latest that I have seen a hummingbird at my home. Oct 3 was my latest last year (2019)." (10/05/2020)

Sightings Remain Steady in Texas and Southern US

While hummingbird activity remains high throughout Texas and the southern US, some reports are noting declining numbers as hummingbirds make their way to overwintering grounds in Mexico and Central America.

Paula in Belton, SC: "Here's three sharing a feeder on our front porch. We still have between 15-20 hummers coming in for "last call" in the hour before sunset every day." (09/29/2020)

Janet in Cedar Creek, TX: "[Hummingbird] at feeder. We had 4, now there are 2. Always looks like a female." (10/01/2020)

Jennifer in Florence, AL: "A few RTHBs still using my feeder daily. Females/juveniles. I saw one today and three fighting over the feeder a couple of days ago." (10/03/2020)

Out West

Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds and Anna's Hummingbirds are being reported out west.

Selvi in Los Alamos, NM: "I saw two [Broad-tailed Hummingbirds] chasing each other and waited on my deck where I have flowers still blooming meant for humming birds."

Leslie in Edgewood, NM: "One Broad-tailed still in residence, quite fat. last week there were at least three. Been unusually warm, still have wildflowers they feed on in addition to 2 feeders." (09/27/2020)

Michelle in Oakland, CA: "They are feeding and competing for the purple and blue sage . . . This time of year there is abundant food and roosting places. You can hear them all day long. They are Anna’s hummers." (09/29/2020)

Keep Your Feeders Up and Keep Reporting

Keep your feeders up at least a week or two after your last sighting – a straggler may yet come through! Learn more about fall feeder maintenancel in this week’s featured article

Linda in Melbourne, IA: "After rain and cold front came through on Sunday, Monday morning I cleaned and refilled the 2 feeders with warm sugar syrup. The 2 hummingbirds who had been here last week came quickly and tanked up, then left. I thought the season was over.... One more arrival showed up early this afternoon. Glad to provide some nourishment for the journey!"(09/29/2020)

If you're still observing hummingbird activity, keep reporting! Thanks for all you do on behalf of hummingbird tracking.