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April 7, 2021 by Team Journey North

Spring migration is gaining momentum. Dr. David Aborn provides an update on migration throughout the U.S. Chuck Henrikson shares his latest birding report from Journey North's home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum. What species are you noticing? Report your observations to Journey North.

"Cedar Waxwing at the bird bath in our backyard." Photo by: Raymond (Portland, TX; 03/22/2021)

Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds

Warblers are on the move. What species is Dr. Aborn observing? And how is weather impacting migration?

"Birders along the Alabama coast have seen 11 species of warblers and plenty of Red-eyed Vireos. Here in Tennessee, I have seen an increase in species as well. I saw my first Yellow-throated Vireos, Yellow-throated Warblers, Black-throated-green Warblers, and Northern Parulas . . . there is another round of cold fronts moving across the country. These fronts are going to bring a lot of rain, especially when they reach the Gulf Coast and tap into all the moisture."

Read more of Weather Forestcasts for Migrating Songbirds #4

Chuck Henrikson’s Birding Report 

Farther north, what species is Chuck observing? Find out in his latest birding report from Journey North's home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum.

"I’ve saved the best Arboretum bird for last. This morning I was lucky enough to see my first of year (FOY) warbler, actually five Yellow-rumped Warblers at Big Spring. They are always the first warblers to arrive . . . More migratory birds are coming. I hope all of you can get out and find some."

Read more of Chuck Henrikson's birding report #55

Journey North Species

Red-Winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbirds continue to move north into Canada.

Ken in Lethbridge, AB: "I have been seeing reports of Red-winged Blackbird sightings in and around Lethbridge for about a week or a bit more, but today was the first time I saw one at Nicholas Sheran Park in Lethbridge." (04/06/2021)

Barn Swallow

Canada is also welcoming Barn Swallows.

 Elisabeth in Toronto, ON: "One Barn Swallow observed flying among several Tree Swallows in an open area. Blue above, buffy below with long forked tail." (04/04/2021)

Baltimore Oriole and Bullock's Oriole

Baltimore Oriole migration is showing signs of picking up. Reports are starting to come in from the Midwest.

Jane in Hancock, IA: "One female [Baltimore Oriole] at jelly feeder." (04/06/2021)

And Bullock's Orioles are venturing farther west into California.

Jeremy in Benicia, CA: "Male [Bullock's Oriole] drinking at feeder." (03/31/2021)

 If you observe other oriole species, please report under the category All Other Signs of Spring. Check out this observation from Elephant Butte, NM:

Angele in Elephant Butte, NM: "[Hooded Oriole] Through the kitchen window with the sun behind him. 6:15 pm. Yea!"

Common Loon

The Midwest and the Northeast are hotspots of loon activity. Some Journey North observers are noting mating behavior. And others are noting loon arrivals coinciding with ice-out dates.

Barb in Libertyville, IL: "One pair of loon swimming, diving and at one point seeming to be doing mating maneuvers." (04/03/2021)

Leeman in Wolfeboro, NH: "We might have another Loon nearby on Mirror Lake." (04/03/2021)

Andrea in Errol, NH: "On April 3rd and April 5th I observed a single loon swimming in the Androscoggin River up river from the Errol Dam." (04/05/2021)

Lee in Aitkin, MN: "Ice went out this morning. Saw the first loon today." (04/05/2021)

April is Citizen Science Month!

In just a couple of years, Citizen Science Month has grown from a single day of events, to a coordinated effort supported by SciStarter, the National Library of Medicine, Arizona State University, the Citizen Science Association, Science Friday, National Geographic, and many other collaborators from around the world. Citizen Science Month encompasses online events and opportunities to contribute to citizen science initiatives from home. This April, Journey North celebrates our citizen scientists and encourages others to join this important effort. Watch our Journey North video to learn how to participate. And learn more about Citizen Science Month and other Journey North projects here.

Report Observations and Include Photos

Keep reporting Red-winged Blackbird, Barn Swallow, Baltimore and Bullock’s Oriole, and Common Loon observations to Journey North. If possible, include photos in your reports. Photos are always helpful to properly identify species and verify reports. And if you observe other bird species, please report under the category All Other Signs of Spring.