Excitement Builds

April 27, 2021 by Team Journey North

May is almost here and hummingbirds are migrating throughout North America. Are you observing hummingbirds? Report to Journey North!

"My one Broad-tailed male, continues to feed at feeder, this morning. Snow in the forecast, later on tonight, into tomorrow morning." Photo by: Angela (Elizabeth, CO; 04/27/2021)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

From the Midwest to the Northeast, the leading edge of Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration is hovering around latitude 39-41°N. A few isolated reports farther north are also coming in.

Joelle in Hammond, IN: First [Ruby-throated] Hummer of the year at 11:34am CST." (04/23/2021)

Dorothy in Connellsville, PA: "How lucky I get to see my first male and first female [Ruby-throated Hummingbird] on the same day!!" (04/26/2021)

Sherry in Harwich, MA: "Male [Ruby-throated Hummingbird] visited feeders at 11:30am. Delightful!" (04/26/2021)

Katherine in Okemos, MI: "2:27 pm today [Ruby-throated Hummingbird] stopped by and drank a lot!!! Haven't seen her since." (04/26/2021)

Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbirds are moving through western Montana, and more reports are coming in from Alaska.

Trini in Eureka, MT: "[Rufous Hummingbird] at feeder mid-afternoon. Passing through." (04/21/2021)

Richard in Angoon, AK: "Female [Rufous Hummingbird] at backend of Mendenhall Valley." (04/24/2021)

Other Species and Observations

Black-chinned in California. Broad-tailed in Colorado. Calliope in Montana. And Broad-billed in Texas. So many hummingbird species are on the move! 

Ray in Rancho Cordova, CA: "Typically, we get a visit from a Rufous once, maybe twice a year as he passes through on his migration route. So I grabbed my camera to have it ready in case he returned. I pointed it at my hummingbird feeder to focus, and as I looked through the viewfinder, a hummingbird appeared -- our first Black-chinned Hummingbird of the season!" (04/22/2021)

Patrick in Colorado Springs, CO: "FINALLY!! We had 2 male Broad-tailed Hummers visit our feeder the afternoon and evening of 4/22/2021. This is the latest date ever for our first hummer. I know there were 2 males because at one point they were chasing each other." (04/22/2021)

Barbara in Missoula, MT: "I've had 6 feeders up for a bit over a week so I've been watching. Went into the bathroom and saw this male Calliope at the feeder on my kitchen window. Ran & got my phone, came back & he was gone but came right back. So excited." (04/25/2021)

Steve in Kingsland, TX: "A rare sight in Central Texas Hill Country. I believe it to be a male Broad-billed Hummer on our feeder." (04/25/2021)

Nectar Consumption

Want to learn more about hummingbirds? Journey North has many resources for anyone with a curious mind. This week we feature information on Food Consumed at Our Hummingbird FeederKeep track of nectar consumption at your feeders. You might be surprised to learn not only how much hummingbirds consume, but also how their life cycle is related to eating patterns throughout the season.

Keep Reporting and Include Photos!

Migratory activity is picking up! Report hummingbird observations to Journey North. If possible, please include photos and make sure your photo is properly rotated. Photos help verify reports and we enjoy sharing them with our Journey North community!