Eastern Monarch Fall 2021 Report #8


Published: 11/04/2021

Note: Observations highlighted in this report are from October 22 –October 28. To explore more recent observations, check out "The Leading Edge" section of the news update and explore our maps.

Late Travelers Along Eastern Flyway

Migration showed signs of slowing down but there were still scattered reports along the Eastern Flyway.

Melissa in Virginia Beach, VA: "Observed monarchs in flight while driving south on bridge." (10/23/2021)

Beth in Emerald Isle, NC: "I was sitting on my deck (Emerald Isle, NC - one block off Atlantic Ocean beach) and noticed several butterflies flying north to south. Once I realized how consistently they were flitting by, I started counting and averaged between 12 and 15 per minute. They were beautiful, and I was mesmerized for several hours, between 11 AM and 4 PM." (10/27/2021)

Gulf Coast 

Activity was higher along the Gulf Coast. These monarchs are playing catch up: the Eastern Flyway often lags behind the Central Flyway in timing of migration.

Kat in Destin, FL: "[Monarch] migration on the beach." (10/23/2021)

Garrett in New Orleans, LA: "Minimum count [was 400 monarchs], there were likely several hundred more. Poor photo of one being predated by common green Darner to prove identification. Incredible activity, feeding on solidago, mist flower, etc. many roosting together in willows and tallow." (10/24/2021)

On Their Way

Along the Central Flyway, reports were steady in Texas and picked up in Mexico as more monarchs approached overwintering grounds.

Elsa in Monterrey, NLE: "We found around 200 monarchs distributed in small clusters in many of the trees of the stream, mainly willows, and also ebony, pincers, broom, river poplar, among others." (10/22/2021)

William in Longview, TX: "Noticed more than before today. High winds may have helped them along." (10/26/2021)

Sarah in Del Rio, TX: "National Park Service: Amistad National Recreation Area. This October has been very warm and humid at this roost site we've been seeing monarchs at since Oct 5, but this might be the last morning of warm temps since a front should be moving in tonight. Will be interesting to see if they all clear out by tomorrow or the next day!" (10/26/2021)

Gustavo in Rioverde, SLP: "Sunny day, 11:36, mild winds. [Monarchs] feeding on wild sunflowers." (10/27/2021)