Spreading Joy

March 29, 2022 by Team Journey North

April is at the doorstep. Ruby-throated and Rufous Hummingbirds are making progress north. And other species such as Black-chinned and Broad-tailed Hummingbirds are on the move as well. Migration will continue to pick up over the coming weeks. Get ready!

"First adult male rufous sighting at feeder at 6pm. Sighting almost two weeks earlier than last year." Brenda in West Vancouver, BC (03/21/2022)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration continues to gather momentum. Current hotspots of activity are Eastern Texas and Alabama and Georgia. The leading edge of migration is moving into Tennessee and up through the Carolinas. Where do you think Ruby-throats will be next week? Take a look at our sightings map and make a prediction. 

Cheryl in Mint Hill, NC: "Witnessed this male ruby throated hummingbird visit the feeder several times in the morning." (03/27/2022)

Arnold in Savannah, TN: "Had my feeders out for two weeks got my first sighting today." (03/27/2022)

Michelle in Falkville, AL: "First Ruby-Throated sighting of the season this evening on nectar feeder about 5:00pm! Adult Male. 4 days later than first sighting of Spring 2021." (03/28/2022)

Ernest in Jewett, TX: "I was standing under the feeder then a flash of red and there he was staring at the feeder then zoom he was gone, best 15 Sec of joy i havent seen in a long while, spring has arrived :)" (03/28/2022)

Rufous Hummingbird

Most reports of Rufous Hummingbirds are coming from Washington state and British Columbia. Some Journey North volunteers are seeing their first female Rufous Hummingbirds of the season. During migration, males usually arrive first so they can find and defend a territory. 

Fiona in Courtenay, BC: "Heard the distinctive sound and saw him sitting on the feeder. I believe about the same date as last year. Spring is finally here!" (03/24/2022)

Brenda in West Vancouver, BC: "First Adult FEMALE Rufous sighting for the year! Briefly at feeder. Unfortunately no camera on hand for the brief encounter." (03/26/2022)

Mark in Cliffdell, WA: "Male Rufous about 1 week early this year. Flew up to our front porch and then left. We have 2 feeders up." (03/27/2022)

Other Species and Observations

Black-chinned Hummingbirds are widespread throughout Texas. In Arizona, nesting season has already begun for Anna's Hummingbirds. This species only migrates short distances or doesn't migrate at all. And in New Mexico, Broad-tailed Hummingbirds are making their return!

Susan in Sweetwater, TX: "First Black-chinned male." (03/29/2022)

Marjorie in Tucson, AZ: "Baby Anna's hummingbird peeking out of the nest; waiting for Mom. There are 2 young ones; both are not visisble because the nest is high up in a palo verde tree." (03/26/2022)

Leslie in Edgewood, NM: "Male Broad-tailed Hummingbird at 6pm under the big apricot tree which is just starting to bloom. I scrambled and put up two feeders filled with a strong sugar ratio to fatten him up." (03/27/2022)

Nectar Sources for Hummingbirds 

As spring progresses, make sure hummingbird feeders and potted nectar plants are out. These nectar sources provide crucial energy for migrating hummingbirds.

And depending on your location, start planting brightly-colored native flowers to provide pollinator habitat for hummingbirds and other species such as monarch butterflies.

Keep reporting your hummingbird observations to Journey North!