Northern Arrivals

April 18, 2022 by Team Journey North

American Robins are being spotted as far north as Alaska. And as spring progresses, observations of nesting behavior are picking up as well. What robin activities are you noticing? Report your observations to Journey North.

Photo: Pat in Warren, MI (03/15/2022)

As Far North As Alaska

American Robins are an adaptable species and thrive throughout North America. Journey North observers in Alaska are welcoming their arrival.

Lynn S in Juneau, AK: "As we were walking down the road, we saw two Robins fly in front of is." (04/02/2022)

Joyanne in Shageluk, AK: "CHIRP, CHIRP,CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP! I could hear it but I couldn't see it for awhile. My students were on break from state testing and I had our classroom window open when I heard it near our school feeder station. I looked and THERE IT WAS. According to our data since 1996, April 14 is a little early but near the average range as well." (04/14/2022)

Building Nests

Observations of nesting behavior are increasing as more American Robins arrive to breeding territories. This time of year robins are busy collecting nest material as they start the construction process and prepare to welcome the next generation. Some have even completed their nests and will soon lay eggs!

Kris in Milwaukee, WI: "Robin gathering nesting materials " (04/03/2022)

Coby in Morrisdale, PA: Robin layed down mud then added nest material!" (04/14/2022)

Last Robin of Winter vs First Robin of Spring

Not all American Robins migrate. So, how does one tell the difference between the last robin of winter and first robin of spring? It’s complicated. Laura Erickson, ornithologist and a longtime guest contributor to Journey North, dives into more detail in her blog post. And you read more of Laura’s blog posts and learn more about American Robins and other species on her website.

April is Citizen Science Month!

Citizen Science Month encompasses online events and opportunities to contribute to citizen science initiatives from home. This April, Journey North celebrates our volunteers and encourages others to join this important effort. Watch our Journey North video to learn how to participate.