Waiting for Adults

May 11, 2022 by Team Journey North

Where is the leading edge of migration this week? Reports of adult monarchs have slowed, but this is not unexpected as many monarchs are in the larval stage right now. Watch for a surge in activity during the second half of May and report your observations to Journey North.

Photo: Sarah in Nashville, TN (05/09/2022)

Eastern Monarch Population

Eastern Monarch Spring 2022 Report #7

Along the East Coast, monarchs are making slow progress north and the leading edge of migration has somewhat stalled since last week, although monarch eggs were reported in Massachusetts. In the Midwest, it is a different story: strong southerly winds are pushing monarchs as far north as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Southern Ontario. Explore our Monarch Adult (FIRST sighted) map to track migration and view the latest observations. 

Read more of the Eastern Monarch Spring 2022 Report #7»

Western Monarch Population

Letter from Gail Morris: Western Monarch Spring 2022 Report #7

In the Western U.S., monarchs are venturing into summer breeding grounds, and Southern California remains a hotspot of activity. Gail Morris writes, "Monarchs entered Utah for the first time this week and laid eggs as they continued their journey to summer breeding grounds. Southern California continues to report monarchs laying eggs and larvae filling milkweed in the region. New and fresh monarchs are beginning to appear, a harbinger of the new generation."

Read more of Gail Morris' Letter: Western Monarch Spring 2022 Report #7» 

Keep Reporting and Include Photos!

The second half of May is a busy period of monarch migration. Be on the lookout and report your observations of monarch adults, monarch larvae, monarch eggs, and milkweed to Journey North. If possible, please include photos (one photo per report). Photos help verify reports and we enjoy sharing them with our Journey North community.