Eastern Monarch Spring 2022 Report #8


Published: 05/18/2022

Migrating Monarchs

The leading edge of monarch migration is now hovering between latitude 42-46°N. The Upper Midwest remains a hotspot of activity, with many reports of first sighted adult monarchs coming from Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan. Reports are also on the rise in Southern Ontario. Along the East Coast, migration is still moving slower in terms of both northern progress and number of reports. In New England, monarchs are just beginning to trickle into Connecticut and Massachusetts. How far north will monarchs be next week?

Janet in Reedsburg, WI: "Tattered monarch flying about yard. Common milkweed began emerging 2 days ago." (05/13/2022)

Frank in Harrisville, MI: "At 4:10 PM, I observed a female monarch on a dandelion flower at Harrisville Harbor. She looked somewhat fresh from her journey." (05/13/2022)

Rebecca in Falmouth, MA: "Seen nectaring on Lunaria, very fresh condition, earliest ever sighting in Woods Hole." (05/14/2022)

Julianne in Northfield, MN: "Observed her Sunday afternoon flitting around my milkweed beds. She deposited at least 15 eggs on very small milkweed stalks. She stayed around for at least 30 minutes. She was not tattered but was quite faded. The milkweed will hopefully grow quickly and be ready to feed them when they emerge." (05/15/2022)

Lynda in Toronto, ON: "First monarch seen today at 12.50 pm fluttering by quickly." (05/15/2022)

Natalie in Windsor, CT: "Saw one faded female. Tried to get a picture but she was happily flying around." (05/16/2022)

Eggs and Larvae

As monarchs move north, they are lay eggs along the way. With adult monarch sightings on the rise in the Midwest, reports of eggs are picking up as well.

Stan in Fitchburg, WI: "Twenty-nine eggs found today in a residential butterfly garden, on about 10-12 milkweed spikes, each of them about 3" high." (05/12/2022)

The northern edge of larvae reports is between latitude 39-41°N.

Cindy in Indianapolis, IN: "No monarch butterfly sightings but I found 5 caterpillars today. Southwest Marion county." (05/15/2022)


Milkweed emergence remains ahead of monarch migration, with reports as far north as latitude 50°N in Canada.

Alicia​​​​​​​ in Stony Mountain, MB: "First Common Milkweed found in ditch." (05/16/2022)