Peak Migration

September 19, 2017 by Rita Welch

As peak migration continues, more ruby-throated hummingbirds arrive in mid-latitude states and along the Gulf Coast.

"I saw two this morning...still going after flowers & chasing each other around," wrote Patty Jennings from Stacyville, Maine on September 12, 2017

Feasting and Fighting
With many hummingbirds streaming southward, there's a lot of competition at nectar sources. This week many observers reported seeing the birds eating intensely and vigorously defending flowers and feeders. It's not a surprise. Hummers must eat more than their weight in food each day to gain sufficient fuel for their journey. 

Adult Females and Juveniles
Adult females and juveniles leave after the males. This week, from north to south, people provided details to show which birds they were seeing, in what numbers, and what fall food sources hungry migrants were finding:

Port Loring, Ontario
"Still have feeders up. Juvenile sighted at 11 a.m. Currently raining." 
- Anna, September 18, 2017 

Fishers, Indiana
"Went for couple of days without seeing them and thought they were gone, but saw three fighting over feeder today." 
- Janice, September 18, 2017 

Dallas, Georgia
"I have 10 feeders and had them swarming around the house all day. I am estimating I have around 15 maybe more. I saw 4 adult males and the rest were females/juveniles."  
- Hannah, September 17, 2017

Cottonport, Louisiana
Fifteen very hungry hummingbirds eating at our two feeders. Such a sight to see. This summer we had one or two who stayed; these are definitely getting ready for their migration south."
- Helen, September 12, 2017

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Identification