Partnering for Pollinators on the Butterfly Highway

Journey North is excited to partner with the North Carolina Wildlife Federation (NCWF) to promote monitoring monarch and hummingbird migration along the Butterfly Highway.

What is the Butterfly Highway? It is a statewide conservation restoration initiative that aims to restore native pollinator habitats to areas impacted by urbanization, land use change, and agriculture across North Carolina. From backyard Pollinator Pitstops to large-scale roadside habitat restoration, this NCWF project is creating a network of native flowering plants to support butterflies, bees, birds, and other pollen and nectar dependent wildlife. 

Learn more about the North Carolina Wildlife Federation Butterfly Highway

Do you live in North Carolina? Have you converted your yard or container garden into a Pollinator Pitstop along the Butterfly HighwayIf yes, please consider helping Journey North monitor monarchs and hummingbird behavior in your Pollinator Pitstops. 

map of pollinator gardens


The Fall migration is in full swing. Register now with Journey North to submit observational reports on the migration. Journey North is interested in observations of monarchs nectaring from flowers, the presence of monarch eggs and larvae on milkweed, the location of monarch roosts, and/or large numbers of monarchs traveling the thermals on their journey south.

Please also let Journey North know if you observe hummingbirds. At this time of year, male Ruby-throated hummingbirds are traveling from their northern breeding range to non-breeding ranges. Female and juvenile hummingbirds will follow their male counterparts soon.