450 Ambassador Monarchs Distributed

December 13, 2021 by Team Journey North

Susan Meyers from Monarchs Across Georgia provides the latest Symbolic Migration update. Estela Romero has visited 14 schools and distributed over 450 Ambassador Monarchs in Mexico!

Students with Ambassador Monarchs and flags of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Photo by: Estela Romero

Greetings!  There is much news to share for the Symbolic Migration Project. 

To date, Ms. Romero has visited fourteen schools near the Sanctuaries of Cerro Pelon and El Rosario, distributing over 450 Ambassadors. Each one of these Ambassadors was received by a student as a gift from the class or group in the United States or Canada that created it. 

At each visit, Ms.Romero facilitates an environmental lesson related to monarchs, with students completing a "letter" that will be returned to a participating class or group in the spring.

She also leaves books with the school. The gift of books is made possible by donations to Monarchs Across Georgia's Mexico Book Project and for the 2019-2022 migration seasons, small grants from the Monarch Butterfly Fund. (The MBF Winter 2021 MBF Newsletter features the grant that EEA received for these books.)

With winter holidays beginning in mid-December, school visits will be suspended until students return during the first full week of January 2022. We expect that all Ambassadors will be delivered by February. If you are an educator participating this year, find our where your school/group/family or town Ambassador landed by using the search function at the top right of the blog site dedicated to Symbolic Migration project.

Thank you,

Susan Meyers
Monarchs Across Georgia Committee
Environmental Education Alliance

The Symbolic Migration project is a partnership project between Journey North, a program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum, and Monarchs Across Georgia, a committee of The Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia, a 501(c) (3) organization. Journey North manages the interactive Symbolic Migration Participant Maps and hosts all educational materials on the Journey North website. Monarchs Across Georgia administers the program and is responsible for all fundraising.