Many Schools Visited And Ambassador Butterflies Delivered.

November 30, 2022 by Team Journey North

Susan Meyers from Monarchs Across Georgia provides the latest Symbolic Migration update.

Photo by: Estela Romero

To date, Estela Romero has visited fourteen schools and delivered nearly 500 Ambassador butterflies to students! She has posted photos and the list of those Ambassadors delivered to her school visits blogging site. Students smiling faces show their appreciation of your Ambassador gifts.

Are you interested in finding out where your Ambassador landed? Use the SEARCH function at the top of the Estela Romero's blog home page to enter your town or school/ group name to find where your Ambassador landed. School visits will, of course, pause in mid-December for the holidays and then resume in early January. Be patient as the delivery of Ambassadors will continue through February 2023.

Are you wondering what Ms. Romero's environmental lesson is this year? Every year the lesson is related in some way to monarchs. This year moths, the nocturnal counterparts of day-flying butterflies, are the focus.

A comparison between butterflies and moths is one activity being used. Attached is the lesson in English from Monarchs in the Classroom, University of Minnesota (2014). Monarchs and More: An Inquiry and Arthropod Based Curriculum, 4th Edition, Grades 3rd-5th (shared with permission from Monarch Joint Venture). The Spanish translation of the characteristic cards is also attached (compliments of Estela Romero). Hula hoops are used to create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast those characteristics.

Through Monarchs Across Georgia's donation-based Mexico Book Project, we are able to provide each school with a copy of La vida secreta de los insectos by Jess French as well as other nature- and science-based books. 

Students also enjoy looking at posters, field guides, and specimens! 

Susan Meyers
Monarchs Across Georgia Committee
Environmental Education Alliance

The Symbolic Migration project is a partnership project between Journey North, a program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum, and Monarchs Across Georgia, a committee of The Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia, a 501(c) (3) organization. Journey North manages the interactive Symbolic Migration Participant Maps and hosts all educational materials on the Journey North website. Monarchs Across Georgia administers the program and is responsible for all fundraising.