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Tulip Test Gardens
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Time to Plant Tulips!

September 9, 2020 by Team Journey North

Fall is just around the corner. Join participants across North America in planting a Journey North Tulip Test Garden to monitor seasonal change in a scientific way. Next spring, when tulips emerge and bloom, gardeners will report their observations and data.

Fall is just around the corner. Join participants across North America in planting a Journey North Tulip Test Garden to monitor seasonal change in a scientific way. Next spring, when tulips emerge and bloom, gardeners will report their observations and data.

Plant Your Tulip Test Garden Soon!

August 27, 2020 by Team Journey North

Join others in planting a Journey North Tulip Test Garden this fall.

Join others in planting a Journey North Tulip Test Garden this fall.

Plant Tulips, Track the Seasons

August 1, 2020 by Team Journey North

Join students across North America in planting a Journey North Test Garden.

Join students across North America in planting a Journey North Test Garden.
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