El Santuario: Asombro a la Vista

Desde la alta, tupida y accidentada área donde nuestras fantásticas Migrantes parecían esconderse y protegerse de las congelantes temperaturas que prevalecieron por semanas, el sol y días cálidos han, como en una explosión, mostrado una viva y energética cascada de mariposas Monarca 200 metros más abajo en la localidad de La Virgencita, la misma área donde han estado por semanas.


El Rosario Sanctuary

Amid the towering, dense forests and canopies, our enchanting migratory companions seemed to have found refuge from the freezing temperatures that gripped the region for weeks. However, the recent emergence of a breathtaking cascade of monarch butterflies, just about 200 meters downhill in the familiar La Virgencita spot, has transformed the landscape.


How Do Loons Sleep?

Due to the extreme rear placement of their legs on their bodies, loons are slow, clumsy, and therefore vulnerable when they are on land. Because of this, they only come up on land when it is absolutely necessary, such as when they are nesting or when they are injured or ill. The rest of their time is spent on the water—including when they sleep! How, when, and where do loons sleep?

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