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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Gradual Departures

March 9, 2022 by Team Journey North

Spring migration is underway! Pato and Ana Moreno and Estela Romero share news of monarchs gradually leaving sanctuaries in Mexico. And Gail Morris reports that most monarchs have left overwintering sites in California. Get ready to report your monarch and milkweed observations.

Spring migration is underway! Pato and Ana Moreno and Estela Romero share news of monarchs gradually leaving sanctuaries in Mexico. And Gail Morris reports that most monarchs have left overwintering sites in California. Get ready to report your monarch and milkweed observations.


Publicado: 03/09/2022

Queridos amigos,

La transición del invierno a la primavera en los sitios de hibernación en los bosques de árboles de Oyamel en el centro de México que solían ser graduales y moderados en sus cambios de temperatura, de fríos -unos cuantos grados centígrados bajo cero-, a parcialmente tibios y soleados -de 15 a 20 grados centígrados en promedio, es actualmente un proceso completamente brusco y extremo.


Published: 03/09/2022

Dear friends,

The transition from winter to spring at the Monarch Biosphere Reserve in Central Mexico used to be gradual and moderate. Today changes in temperatures have been more dramatic and extreme. It is not unusual to go from cold temperatures of a few centigrades to fairly warm temperatures of 15-20 centigrades.

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