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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Special Alert: Population Numbers Announced

February 7, 2024 by Nancy Sheehan, Program Coordinator

"Eastern migratory monarch butterfly populations decrease by 59% in 2024" reports WWF and partners.

"Eastern migratory monarch butterfly populations decrease by 59% in 2024" reports WWF and partners.

February Is Here: What Are Monarchs Doing?

January 31, 2024 by Nancy Sheehan, Program Coordinator

Estela Romero explores the captivating world of monarch butterflies while chilly conditions continue at the MBBR. If you happen to spot winter monarchs in the Southeastern or Southwestern U.S., share your observations with Journey North.

Estela Romero explores the captivating world of monarch butterflies while chilly conditions continue at the MBBR. If you happen to spot winter monarchs in the Southeastern or Southwestern U.S., share your observations with Journey North.


El Santuario: Asombro a la Vista

Desde la alta, tupida y accidentada área donde nuestras fantásticas Migrantes parecían esconderse y protegerse de las congelantes temperaturas que prevalecieron por semanas, el sol y días cálidos han, como en una explosión, mostrado una viva y energética cascada de mariposas Monarca 200 metros más abajo en la localidad de La Virgencita, la misma área donde han estado por semanas.

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