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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Un Informe Invernal

Los incesantes frentes fríos del fin de año, nos han recordado los fríos inviernos a los que hemos estado acostumbrados y que han prevalecido por décadas en nuestra región desde el pasado Noviembre e intensificándose durante todo Diciembre por debajo de los cero Centígrados predominando intensas heladas, pero no nevando hasta ahora, como creímos que sucedería.

A Wintery Report

The persistent cold fronts towards the end of the year serve as a stark reminder of the chilly winters that have been a norm in our region for decades. Since last November, these cold fronts have intensified in December, bringing temperatures below zero Celsius and intense frosts. Surprisingly, there has been no snowfall until now, contrary to our expectations.

Dear Friends, 

About a month ago, the Monarchs' arrival was heralded, bringing with it a significant drop in temperatures accompanied by occasional light rain. Currently, Mexico is experiencing the impact of several severe cold fronts, expected to persist for at least a couple of weeks.

Monarch overwintering sites are encountering temperatures reaching zero and below zero degrees Celsius, despite intermittent sunny spells during the day. The population status of the Monarchs in the sanctuaries remains uncertain.

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