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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Migration Momentum Starting

August 25, 2020 by Team Journey North

Reports of heavy nectaring and some overnight roosts are starting to come in as August draws to a close and migration starts to build.

Reports of heavy nectaring and some overnight roosts are starting to come in as August draws to a close and migration starts to build.

Dear Journey North members,

By now you have probably heard  that the forest area occupied by monarch in Mexico was down from last year, to 2.83 hectares (WWF- Mexico and the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)). In summary, the area occupied by monarch butterflies represented a 53% decrease from last year. The 2.83 ha include 11 monarch butterfly colonies measured in late December 2019, three in Michoacan and eight in the State of Mexico. Most of the area occupied (2.46 hectares) was located within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.

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