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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Still Journeying North

May 24, 2023 by Team Journey North

Reports of monarchs are picking up in Canada. The Upper Midwest remains a hotspot of activity, but migration is slower farther east. And Western monarchs are venturing further north in California and Oregon, with new observations from Utah. More reports of monarchs and milkweed at all life stages are needed!

Reports of monarchs are picking up in Canada. The Upper Midwest remains a hotspot of activity, but migration is slower farther east. And Western monarchs are venturing further north in California and Oregon, with new observations from Utah. More reports of monarchs and milkweed at all life stages are needed!

Western Monarchs Update

Monarchs are flying north with new sightings in Northern California and Oregon. A new first of year sighting of monarchs in Utah has everyone sighing in relief as well as monarchs continue to expand their range!  Monarchs will soon reach the end of their spring migration. They will stay in the local breeding grounds and increase in number over the summer months.

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