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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Western Monarch Migration Still Slow. Eastern Monarch Migration Picking Up.

March 28, 2023 by Team Journey North

Endings and beginnings as monarchs leave their overwintering sanctuaries in search of milkweed, nectar, and water. Please report your observations to Journey North.

Endings and beginnings as monarchs leave their overwintering sanctuaries in search of milkweed, nectar, and water. Please report your observations to Journey North.


Published: 03/28/2023

Spring Migrating Monarchs

Progress has picked up since last week's update. Within the central flyway, the northern edge of monarch migration has held near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Along the Atlantic seaboard, monarchs are making their way northward to South Carolina. Texas remains a hot spot for monarch first sightings. 

Anna in Hugo, OK: "First sighting. In my backyard on a mix of dead nettle, hen bit, and other assorted wildflowers." (03/26/2023)

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