have been tagging monarch butterflies since 1968. I
have no idea how many butterflies I have tagged, but it is in the tens
of thousands. The Monarch Watch data base says I have had 137 recoveries,
mostly in Mexico.
I still hold
a Guinness Record for Longest Migration by a Butterfly. My Guinness Book
record reads as follows:
tagged male monarch (Danaus plexippus), released by Donald A. Davis
(Canada) at Presqu'ile provincial Park near Brighton, Ontario, Canada,
on 10 September 1988, was recaptured on 8 April 1989 in Austin, Texas,
U.S.A., travelling an estimated 2880 miles, making this the World's
Longest Butterfly Migration.
Keeper of the Records
Guinness World Records Ltd
In Dr. Fred
Urquhart's opinion, this butterfly had flown to Mexico and was making
the return trip back. Another interesting recovery was one found on an
oil rig, 100 miles south of Galveston, Texas.
I started
tagging with Dr. Fred and Mrs. Norah Urquhart. (They officially ending
their tagging program in 1992.) For a couple of years after they stopped
tagging, I had my own tags printed up and some were found in Mexico by
David Marriott of the Monarch Program (California). That's when I heard
about the Monarch Program, and used their tags, which included the Urquhart
method, applying a tag with “crazy glue” on the rear wing
and, lastly, the new circular tags.
I'm involved
with Journey North (I think since it began), Monarch Watch, Michoacan
Reforestation Fund, Monarch Teacher-Network Canada and a number of other
natural history and nature organizations. I've had the privilege of being
written about ("Four Wings and a Prayer") and was in the documentary
"The Monarch - Butterfly Beyond orders". I was filmed last fall
by the crew making a movie out of "Four Wings and a Prayer"
and most recently filmed by the Papalotzin team."