The Adventures of Robin Hood!
March, 2003

Julie Brophy's "Robin Hood" in summer, 2002.

These are the notes Julie Brophy recorded in March, 2003, about her little friend, Robin Hood.

  • 03/19/03: I have been hearing Robins since Sunday--the usual nervous "whinny" calls heard this time of year. Not a lot of them, and I have heard over-wintering robins too, but I have been cautiously optimistic that some migrants had indeed arrived.

    Every year at this time, when I do suspect the migrants have arrived, I go to the window and call for Robin Hood. I did it on Sunday and had no response. Just a few robins fleeing at the sight and sound of me. (And who would blame them!)

    Well, my confirmation came this evening in the form of Robin Hood! Yep, he's back for Year Three!

    Here's how it happened: I was watching the national news and getting more depressed by the minute, so I decided to turn off the set. I sat in silence when all of a sudden I heard a Robin outside. The sound was very close and loud. So of course I went to the door and did my usual call for Robin Hood, in case he might have returned. I didn't want to get my hopes up though because the life a robin is short with so many obstacles and if he were to show up it would be an unprecedented third year in a row!

    Well, before I could even finish calling him, there he was--on the deck outside the door--talking up a storm! He was probably saying "what took you so long, I've flown all this way, I'm cold and I'm hungry!"

    Now the question I wonder is....did he seek me out--maybe he saw me through the sliding doors (which he has done in previous years) and then called TO me to get my attention? Or did he respond to my call and then show up?

    No matter, I'm rushing to the store to get mealies!!! He's earlier than in past years and I wasn't prepared. Tonight he "settled" for currants, tomorrow he'll get "tube steaks". Welcome back Robin Hood!!!

    (Looking back at my records, I see he came on March 26 last year, a week later than this year! And I first discovered him on April 9, 2001.)

    When I rush into the Feed Store and hurriedly ask the owners if they have received their shipment of mealworms yet, a smile comes across their face as they ask: "He's back, isn't he?" I smile and say he sure is, year 3.

  • 03/20/03: He's on the move so much establishing his territory--he's rarely still. He's very nervous at his feeding station and only stays for about 5 worms before flying off. I did hear a robin singing this a.m. (first time ) but don't know if it was him (although I suspect it was. He's pretty much established this area as his, and there really aren't too many other robins back yet).
  • 03/21/03: Robin Hood arrives on the deck this a.m. at 6:40am. There is a tray of a few remaining mealworms and currants from yesterday. I haven't heard any singing today--I think it's the weather. It's cloudy with snow flurries and 37F.
  • 03/24/03: Robin Hood (RH) arrives "on deck" at 6:30 a.m. (I'm awakened by his call.) We're both busy--him defending his establishing/territory, and me with work, so we "meet up " twice a day.
  • 03/25/03: RH arrives at 6:50 a.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.
  • 03/26/03: 6:00a.m. Very cold night last night--low of 28F He was very loud, hungry and anxious. Ate a few worms then flew off suddenly after another male in the neighbor's yard. Came again for evening feeding at 5:25 p.m. (I wonder if the colder temps last night is why he came earlier today)
  • 03/27/03: RH arrives 6:16 a.m., again at 5:22 p.m.
  • 03/28/03: RH arrives at 5:50 a.m. Snowstorm last night, very cold. He continues to show up "on deck" all day long.

Try This!
Choose a bird at your feeder and keep records about what time it first appears each morning for a week. Or, if you walk to school or wait at a bus stop in the morning, see if you can recognize one bird from day to day. If you can, write down one little thing about it each day for a week.