build nests in trees or on other structures. Some of us naturally think
that the robins that make their nests in the most natural settings will
have better success than those that nest on houses. Sure enough, once
in a while a baby robin crashes to a hard cement patio and dies when
it first fledges from a nest built on a porch light. Baby robins in
tree nests have far softer landings in the branches below their nest
Boxes Can Help Protect Baby Robins
A problem even more dangerous to baby robins than falling is predation,
especially by American Crows. Most crows are reluctant to come too close
to buildings, so robins that nest on porch lights, window sills, eaves,
and other spots on houses are usually safe from them. Robins nesting
on buildings are often easy to study during their nesting period. If
you want to study nesting robins, getting them to nest in a box or other
structure can be good for you AND good for the robins!
associated with robins nesting on houses:
- Robin
adults may attack people who come too close. If you put up a nest shelf,
you might want to locate it on a side of the house that gets little
human traffic.
- Robins
may discover their reflection in a window, and start attacking it. This
happens as often with robins nesting in trees as on houses. To deal
with that issue, see Help! There's a Robin Hitting My Window!
- Baby robins
may crash to hard cement below. If you want to put up a nest platform
above a deck, patio, sidewalk, or other hard surface, a few days before
the babies are due to fledge you might want to put a wheelbarrow or
wagon filled with something soft below.
More Nesting Questions and Answers: See FAQ
Nest Box
Henderson's robin nest shelf, from Woodworking for Wildlife, published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources