Emergence: First for 2017! February 08, 2017, Mary Hosier
Why did these gardens emerge first? Maps can reveal clues to help answer your questions.
Fourth graders at Greensboro Day School, North CarolinaRose Marie Cook
Emerging in Winter
In a winter filled with up-and-down temperatures, freak snowstorms, and record rainfalls Test Gardens are emerging! How will winter's fickle weather affect garden predictions across the continent?
"Last Saturday we had an unusual snow event and then today, January 12, 2017, it is 51 degrees. We have 4 emerged tulips!" Prosperity, South Carolina 01/12/17
"It is Ground Hog Day and our tulips have emerged. It's cold and partly cloudy. We predict the tulips will bloom in April." Bowie, Maryland 02/02/17
"Our first tulip emerged on Tuesday, January 31st. Kids were excited and are watching everyday, often twice a day, to see if their tulip has emerged." Anona Elementary, Largo, Florida
Lorraine Stargel
Debra Templin
Investigating Climate Maps
Maps present information about the world in a simple, visual way.
Climate maps show temperature, rain and snow, sunshine, and wind - conditions that affect how and when plants grow.
Maps provide information on latitude, land mass, and proximity to water.
Maps can help us understand more about plants and the seasons.
Using Maps as Tools
How do maps help you predict when gardens will emerge?
How do maps help us predict when gardens will emerge?
So far 13 gardens have
reported emergence from Florida and Texas to Virginia, Maryland and more. Will your prediction change after studying this week's Test Garden map?