Finally Good Flying Weather

April 26, 2019 by Team Journey North

More and more hummingbird sightings!

Just Flew In. Photo by: Bob (Pennsville, NJ; 04/23/2019)

Leading Edge

Another fantastic week for hummingbirds. Aided by better weather, Journey North observers recorded first sightings for Ruby-throated hummingbirds in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. Still waiting for first sightings to be reported in Maine. As is typical at this time in the spring, Rufous hummingbirds are being reported as far north as Alaska and across western British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. They have also started to move across Idaho into western Montana as well as into central British Columbia. 

Eastern Species — Over 200 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds Observed 

From Camillus, NY: Ginny was just reading her Journey North email when "...lo and behold" there was a Ruby-throated hummingbird outside the window at the feeder she put out just a few days ago! (04/25/2019)

From Raynham, MA: Michelle commented, "My husband told me he came around 1PM today. I saw him when I came home from work around 6:15PM. So glad their back!!!!!!" (04/23/2019)

From Manistee, MI: Linda observed, "One lone Ruby Throat flew by the feeder but did not land. It was 77 degrees and sunny." (04/22/2019)

From New Ulm, MN: Sara thought she would be early and put up her feeder out on Sunday..."and I saw a male at least 4 times on Monday." (04/22/2019)

Western Species -- Rufous, Broad-tailed and Calliope Hummingbirds Sightings Recorded

From Fraser-Fort George, BC: Barry noted, "It's spring here in Salmon Valley Prince George,BC, Canada. The first male arrived this morning and a female a couple hours after this is about as far north they will go. and they are right on time as they arrive here around the 20th of April." (04/22/2019)

From Potlatch, ID: Gary "spotted a Rufous mid-afternoon, chasing away a Calliope from one of our feeders. We have another hummer we spotted today that looks like a possibility of a Broad-tail..." (04/21/2019)

From Osoyoos, BC: Paul observed, "Two female calliopes and one or two males now are resident for the season, with many visits to the feeder and territorial behavior over the last 3 days. Watching for Rufous hummingbirds which are farther west and north already, but no appearance here yet." (04/21/2019)

Nectaring Photos Being Submitted Also

From Irving, TX: Barbara commented, "A Ruby-throated hummingbird was all over the bush, it's little beak is covered in pollen. Today was a nice sunny day, high of 69 degrees." (04/19/2019)

Keep Reporting and Submitting Photos! 

Keep reporting and submitting your photos.