The Hummingbirds Are Advancing North

April 3, 2020 by Team Journey North

Plant hummingbird friendly plants. Put our your feeders. Report sightings to Journey North.

"One black-chinned hummingbird nectaring from my coral honeysuckle in my backyard at 5:30pm today." Submission by: Jody (04/01/2020; Burleson, TX)

Weather and Migration

Hummingbirds may be tiny, but they are determined each spring to migrate north to their breeding grounds. Even after weather conditions brought rain and windy weather, hummingbirds continue on their migration north.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

This week Ruby-throats were welcomed by many thrilled observers across Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky. We await confirmation of a Ruby-throated hummingbird sighting as far north as Geneva, NY. Keep watching the Journey North maps to get the up-to-date picture of migration. 

From Salem, MO: Debie commented, "Very early for our area!" (04/01/2020)

From Sacramento, KY: Tara wrote, "Great to see them again!" (03/28/2020) Link to sighting

From Cookeville, TN: Brian submitted this report: "First ruby-throat of the year. He drank from the feeder multiple times during a downpour." 03/31/2020

Rufous Hummingbirds

For Rufous, sightings are still clustered around the Strait of Georgia in British Columbia. 

From Cowichan Valley, BC: Deirdre saw her "first male rufous sighted in our deck feeder here on Cobble Hill, Vancouver Island. Funny, on another feeder 3 ft away was a male Anna, who looked like a giant compared to this wee Rufous! Wonderful to have them back!" 04/02/2020

From Renton, WA: Mary Ann reported, "First time at my feeder this year." (03/30/2020) Link to sighting

Black-chinned Hummingbirds

There has been a flurry of sightings for Black-chinned Hummingbirds in central Texas with a few sightings in Utah, Arkansas and elsewhere. 

From Canton, TX: Lisa submitted this comment with her sighting, "Black-chinned male hummer briefly hovered in front of sliding glass door before flying off in direction of waiting, freshly filled sugar water feeders! Almost just to let me know they're back! Its been raining all day, temps in upper 50s, very windy. I'm so glad I took the time yesterday to fill the feeders. I love Spring."  (03/30/2020) Link to sighting

From Ivins, UT: Carla reported her "First male Black Chinned Hummingbird appeared at the feeder this evening!" (03/29/2020)

Mount Ida, AR: Donna saw a "Black chinned hummingbird male." (03/30/2020) Link to sighting

Have You Seen Nectaring Behavior? 

Clean and fresh feeders will attract the birds- so will flowers. Watch the map and get ready with your feeders. Plant nectar rich flowers in your backyards. Let us know if you see hummingbirds nectaring from certain types of flowers. Please submit your observations to Journey North. 

Looking For Fun Activities To Do At Home? 

Look no further! Journey North has many resources for anyone with a curious mind. This week our Exploring Together feature presents information on Hummingbird Tongues and Habitat Needs