Busy Breeding Season Begins

June 12, 2020 by Team Journey North

This is the final spring news update for our Hummingbird Project. Thank you for your participation. Please continue to report hummingbird behavioral observations to Journey North during the summer months. Next week -- and throughout the summer, help us to celebrate pollinators.

"Male Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are busy protecting their feeders...Females are arriving in large numbers." Submitted by: Gert (Gowganda, ON: 06/05/2020)

Another Great Spring Season

Despite the challenges of posed by the pandemic, Journey North citizen scientists have submitted 6,030 observations. The number of observations is actually higher than was reported in 2019. On behalf of the Journey North team -- Thank You!

Despite our worries, our Journey North citizen scientists adapted to safety protocols with many shifting to observing hummingbird action in backyards and nearby open areas. Thank you for continuing to track hummingbird migration amid uncertainties and while maintaining your health and safety. We have been honored to share your comments and photos through our hummingbird news updates. In turn, we hope these news updates have sparked joy and wonder. Please know that your data contributes to efforts to protect hummingbirds throughout North America. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations.

Zipping From Flower to Flower

Journey North citizen scientists submitted numerous reports of hummingbirds checking out hanging flower baskets of fuchsia and verbena, nectaring from the flowers of chives, Bradbury Monarda, and penstemon and darting to-and-fro among tree branches looking for protein rich insects.

As first sightings for hummingbirds dwindle, continue to report your observations under these reporting categories: 

  1. Hummingbird (OTHER Observations) -- Observations included in this reporting category include defending territories, nest building, and raising young. Please submit photos when possible. In your comments, list behaviors observed and hummingbirds species observed. 
  2. Hummingbird, Nectaring from Flowers -- Please submit photos when possible. In your comments, list hummingbirds species observed and plant names if known.

Summer A Time to Wonder

Summer can be a time to explore the Journey North maps to answer questions you might have about patterns of change in timing and distribution of hummingbirds. 

From Francestown, NH: Cindy, "I have had only one female and one male for the last couple of weeks. Ordinarily, I have 4 or 5 females with as many males and have to put out 5 or 6 feeders for them. This year one feeder is more than sufficient. I wonder did the cold spring send them in another direction?" (06/07/2020)

Help Us To Celebrate Pollinators 

Nectar is important for migration and during peak breeding months. Help us map pollinator patches this summer. We reformulated our Habitat project page. During the summer, our messages is: Let’s Connect For Pollinators

Summer Reporting 2020

Summer Reporting

Other Observations
Throughout the breeding season, report such observations as: species of hummingbird observed, first female of spring, courtship and territorial behavior, hummingbird numbers, and amount of food consumed at feeder.

Nectaring from Flowers
Throughout the breeding season, report species of hummingbird observed nectaring and name of the flower.