Mystery Class Update: March 25, 2011

It's week eight. The first set of interdisciplinary clues are here. Week-by-week, these clues reveal fascinating facts that will help you narrow your search and get progressively closer to pinpointing the secret locations.

This Week's Update Includes:

Image of the Week

Image of the Week

Clues: This Week's Clues

Here are your clues for Week #8:

Collect and organize your data:

Photo: Adam L. Clevenger
Journal: Reflecting on Data and Concepts

On March 11th you predicted what the photoperiod graph would look like at the end of March. It's time to revisit your prediction graph (Week #6 Journal Page). What patterns were you seeing? What were the rates of change from week to week? Based on this week's graph patterns, what new predictions do you have? Use today's Journal Page to write about patterns, rates of change, and predictions!

Journal #6
Journal Page
Week #8
Quick Links: Explore These Helpful Resources
The next Mystery Class Update will be posted April 1st.