Why does Señora Treviño say it's easy to remember
October 12th as the day monarchs arrive?
Because October 12th is Columbus Day!
is the passage in English:
don't forget because always on that day the schoolchildren are
outside in the courtyards celebrating Christopher Columbus and,
when the monachs appear between 9 and 10 in the morning, it was
difficult to keep order for the ceremony because of the children's
joy in seeing the butterflies."
se me olvida porque siempre ese día los niños de
las escuelas estaban en los patios celebrando a Cristóbal
Colon y cuando aparecían las mariposas entre 9 y 10 de
la mañana, era difícil mantener el orden en la ceremonia
por el alborozo de los niños al ver a las mariposas."
You Know?
Day is celebrated in Mexico and other Latin American countries
but the holiday is called Día de la Raza (Day of the Race).
The name signifies that Europeans and Native Americans came into
contact for the first time when Columbus arrived, and "created
the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society we now celebrate,"
writes Bonnie Hamre, of