Robins moved north just a bit from last week with two more Canadian provinces and one more Alaskan observer reporting. Ontario sightings led all states and provinces, followed by New York, Wisconsin and New Jersey. Spring break and the changeable weather may explain the fewer sighting reports for many species this week.
As winter/spring March gives way to April, earthworms are emerging in more places, and the first nest with eggs was reported March 30 from North Carolina. Today's photos reveal more questions and surprises, with more good news ahead.
"We saw a robin perched in a treetop right next to our school. It was calling a lot. We are excited to see and hear more robins."
03/25/15 Grade 1, Oakwood Primary Center, Huntington, NY
What to Watch For:
Notice how male robins act when near each other as they arrive. Also watch for females, who arrive on territory a few days to a week behind the males.

Tom Ernst
What's Next?

Vanessa Knowles
Where's His Tail?