Robins are switching from winter flocking behavior to singing on territory and gathering nesting materials where spring weather is warmer. Eight of the Northern Observation Posts have reported robins! However, winter's grip isn't gone. Record-breaking amounts of snow linger in Canada's Maritime provinces, and returning robins find the frozen, snowy ground blocking their access to food. Luckily, many observers put out fruits and berries to help them. Hurry, warm weather!
"Five feet of snow here, one robin on top of snow, two working grassy patch, scratching frozen turf."
04/07/15 Frank M. in Tantallon, Nova Scotia
Know the Robin's Song!
Average latitude for singing robins is 44.7. compared to 43.8 last week. Robins make many different vocalizations. You can find out what's going on in the robins' world if you know what
they are saying and singing. Listen for these six kinds of robin vocalizations:

Tom Ernst
Seriously Singing

Angela Sams
Nesting Discovery