Update: November 17, 2009
Please Report
After you send your

Beautiful Butterflies Everywhere!

Finishing Touches

Here in the Symbolic Butterfly Capital of the World thousands of butterflies are preparing for their fall journey. The butterfly staging area is buzzing with activity!

Each envelope is opened, inspected, and recorded, then its precious butterflies make their way into the boxes that will carry them to the schools in Mexico.

Workers "oo-h and aw-e" over the thousands of beautiful butterflies! Each paper butterfly ambassador will soon start their journey to the classrooms and Mexican school children that are waiting to welcome them.

Like beautiful snowflakes, the unique butterflies carry with them messages of caring and interest in monarch safety and conservation.

Each envelope is checked and recorded as the precious cargo waits to make the trip to the monarch butterfly sanctuaries in Mexico.
A package of butterflies opened by a Journey North worker is like a gift.
Your butterflies carry a message that's loud and clear:
“Thank you for taking care of our Monarchs!”
Who's Sending Butterflies?

Is Your Dot on the Map?
So far,1,112 of you have posted to the map. There's still time to report and add to the map. Make sure your classroom has made its mark!

Try This!
Here's a neat message in Spanish. Can you translate it into English?

"Hicimos nuestras mariposas con mucho cuidado y carino, como tambien cuidamos a la naturaleza aqui en Houston. Nuestro colegio tiene un jardin de mariposas y hoy dia vimos 3 Monarcas. Que felices estabamos! Ojala lleguen bien a Mexico todas las milagrosas mariposas!!"

What messages can you find behind each classroom's dot on the map?

Sneak Preview: Symbolic Migration Art Gallery
"Every one--so different. Wow! Look at this one – it’s amazing!" Journey North workers exclaim as they open your butterfly envelopes. "Look at these details!"
Take a sneak preview of the Gallery, enjoy the artwork, and see if you can find YOUR Butterfly!
(Tune in to view even more butterflies in our next Update.)
Collage Creations >>
Sensationally Symmetrical >>
Special Messages >>
Creatively Colorful >> 
Artistic Realism >>
Ambassador Butterflies >>

Stay Tuned: The Next Symbolic Monarch Migration Update Will be Posted Next Week!