Photo Gallery #2
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“Adolfo López Mateos," Cerro Prieto Community, Michoacán
Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico.
Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico.
The school children planting their Oyamel tree with Estela. At every school and every classroom, children learn about the wonders of the Monarch's life cycle, and now learn, through a map provided by Journey North, about how special our region is, for having some of the few population nucleous of Oyamel trees in the world!

Old Rocianante, still strong enough to hold school children on him!!!

Although the population in the area is very high, the population of this school lowers considerably. This might be one of the farthest schools into the mountains of El Rosario Sanctuary. When Rocinante arrived, children immediatly recognized us and climbed onto the car as soon as I stopped. They hardly had time to get off !!!

" Lázaro Cárdenas" secondary, Cerro Prieto Community, Michoacán
Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico.
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico. Children receiving symbolic monarch butterflifes in Mexico.
The leaving generation planting the Oyamel tree as a remaining memory of their Medium School Times later in their lives. On the way: Some families are starting to decorate their Christmas trees outside of their homes. All parents and children participate without exception.

The importance of emphazising the need of the preservation the Oyamel trees species, due to its low population, is causing a considerable impact on students at all levels, the older they are, the more concerned they show at the message. In this ocassion, the 3rd grade students, which is the generation finishing this school level next July, and as a consequence, going to a new school next year, decided to plant the Oyamel tree themselves as a symbolic memory of their time staying in this school.

Ignacio López Rayón Escuela, Rancho Escondido Community, Michoacán
Students in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Students in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Students in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies
Children enjoy commenting their different emotions expressed in their letters to North American and Canadian children. For me, as your local reporter, it is absolutely fulfilling the experience of assisting a child in completing their letter when they problems to write fluently.
Students in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Students in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Students in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies
Showing Symbolic Monarchs Planting Oyamel Fir Writing Letters

As all other schools visited, children welcome their letters brought to them with the symbolic Monarchs, and welcome with great enthusiasm the idea of planting an Oyamel tree in their school.

Vicente Guerero School, Las Palmas Community, Michoacán
Students receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies in Mexico Students receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies in Mexico Students receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies in Mexico
The school group with their symbolic Monarchs and letters in their hands. The "Matatena" game, is a very old game played with rocks, which goal is to swing small rocks in the air and try not to fail catching it, in order to gain more rocks for your team and with it, more points. The big bet is most of the times some candies or, some times, some coins. It can be played by both boys and girls. The "futbolito" (short name for foot-ball) game in this way, is a very old, common and likeable game for children in small towns and communities, but everytime less and less seen aroud. The device is hired to children per one peso per game getting around four balls in each game to be played. Both boys and girls play it.

This school is located at one of the the highest point any other school could be located in the region. Its hight should be reaching 4,000 meters above sea level. 4th, 5th and 6th grades, all in one session at a time. Las Palmas", community, "El Rosario" Sanctuary.

Lazaro Cardenas School, Las Jaras Community, Michoacán
Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies
Grade 4 grade with their symbolic butterflies. Grade 5 grade with their symbolic butterflies. Grade 6 grade with their symbolic butterflies.
Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies
Children pointing at the Monarchs route during their long trip and at the map showing the low population of Oyamel tree compared to other kinds of vegetation in our country. Volunteers planting the Oyamel tree at their school.
Carmello, a 3rd. grade-child, asks voluntarily for an oyamel for him to plant in his house, "Seen the need to increase their population", he said, seemingly concerned. Children in Mexico receiving Symbolic Monarch Butterflies