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Symbolic Monarchs in Mexico
By Estela Romero

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Overview | One | Two | Three | Four | Five

Guadalupe Victoria Elementary El Rosario Community, El Rosario Ejido, Michoacán

Every year, at every school, Journey North brings through Estela and her brother, German, information that most of our children do not know about the importance of preserving the Oyamel forests in our region and the Monarchs' life cycle and wondrous migration.

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
A view of the school entrance. It is named for General Guadalupe Victoria, the first Mexican President of México. Fourth graders writing notes. Highly populated school is located very near the El Rosario Sanctuary. Fourth grade students holding their Ambassador butterflies.
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

5th graders excited about opening their own special butterflies.

Each student writes back to tell students in the north about them.

Students share the fun gifts, found in envelopes;"Un regalo para ti!"

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
Fifth graders really enjoyed their butterflies! Fifth graders sharing their butterflies. Now we visit the 6th grade students.
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
This student can see the students she is writing to! Sixth graders looking serious. Sixth graders having fun showing you their butterflies.
Vicente Guerrero School El Rosario Community, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
The approach to the school grounds. 4th, 5th, and 6th graders all together. Writing a letter to new friends in the US and Canada.

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
Can you find YOUR butterfly?
Centro de Estudios de Bachillerato del Estado de Michoacán
El Rosario Downtown Community, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
Students arriving for the school day at COMAEB high school. Teachers and students are highly interested in monarch habitat preservation and concerned about conservation in our region. These third year students participate in discussions about monarchs.
(3rd, "A")
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images This community has only had High School for five years. Before then, students had move to Angangueo for high school. They only came home to spend the weekends with their families. The Oyamel trees planted last year at every school are healthy baby-trees now.

3rd, "A" students and their butterflies.  
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
Another third year class listens to Estela. Students are involved in learning about conservation. 3rd, "B" students and their butterflies.
Journey North is for the third consecutive year now, particularly welcome to this school. Journey North is placing a seed in new generations in the region learning how to protect the natural environment.
El Rosario Junior High School El Rosario Downtown Community, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
The school. Reviewing facts about monarchs and habitat. Students are writing a letter to new friends in the US and Canada.

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Can you find your butterfly?
Emiliano Zapata Elementary School El Asoleadero Community, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
This is one of the biggest and oldest schools in the area around El Rosario Sanctuary. Fifth graders review the monarch life cycle. Also learn about the importance of everyone's involvement with conservation.
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Here the 6th graders pose with their butterflies.

Sixth graders.

Fifth graders posing with their butterflies.
José María Morelos Secondary School El Rosario Community, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Fifth and sixth grade students are very enthusiastic and work at the board proudly, showing what they already know about Monarchs.
This school bears the name of one of our two heroes of Independence "José María Morelos y Pavón, who fought for independence from Spain.

Sharing their letters to their classmates.

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images


Together, 5th and 6th graders and their butterflies.

Adolfo López Mateos Ejido El Rosario, Michoacán
The school is named for one of Mexico's presidents. Aldolfo López Mateos was instrumental in nationalizing the electric industry in the 1960's. When we arrived with the butterflies the children immediately recognized the white VW. They were excited to see it! Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

Fifth and sixth grade students are eager to receive their butterflies. Each time a school gets a visit, they receive the gift of your symbolic monarchs and they learn more about monarchs and conservation.
Lázaro Cárdenas Telesecondaria, Cerro Prieto Community, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

2nd year students

The typical Junior High school lasts 3 years 3rd year students
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
  3rd year students Students receive books!

General Lázaro Cárdenas was a Méxican President of the late 1930's. He decreed nationalization of all natural resources extracted form Mexican soil, especially oil. Right now, there is great debate in México about reform for privatization. Cárdenas also decreed the creation of the Ejidos, legally defined as land belonging to the state/municipalities but of rural property for collective use. Ejidos are a somewhat complex system in agricultural and forestal aspects, and affect ownership of monarch overwintering habitat.

Ignacio Lopez Rayon Elementary Rancho Escondido, Ejido El Rosario, Michoacán
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images

General Ignacio López Rayón and Manuel, his brother, were one of the figures heading the movement of Independence for our country 1810-1821. Born only 20 kms. from Angangueo. His house is now a beautiful museum.

Lessons in monarch conservation. Grades 5 and 6.

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
The "v" sign is a casual way of saying "hello." Can you see your butterfly?
The Monarch Sanctuary Region

I feel proud of my beautiful land and people as I deliver your symbolic monarchs. I'm honored to represent Journey North and leave a seed whose fruits will help assure the monarch's survival into the future for our children. -Estela Romero

Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
The little VW travels mountainous roads to deliver your butterflies. In these photos you can see how steep our mountains are. Angangueo is a valley town surrounded by volcanic mountains.
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration: Classroom Images
Many residents of the area travel by horseback. Cuide las Mariposas
"Take care of butterflies" --referring to Monarchs.
A typical scene showing a mule carrying a load of wood cut from the forest that will be used for heating and cooking.