S. Maslowski - USFWS
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Journey North News will be posted on Thursdays
Feb 4, Mar. 4, 11*, Apr. 1, 8*, 15, 22*, 29, May 6*, 13, 20* (* Migration Data Only)

Journey North News
- FINAL Hummingbird Migration Update: May 20,
Finish up your map with the latest data, and then spend your summer with a hummer. What
will the males and females be up to during summer "vacation"?
- Hummingbird Migration Update: May 13, 1999
- Here's the latest migration data for your map!
- Hummingbird Migration Update: May 6, 1999
Hummingbirds by the hundreds are arriving in the north. A biologist's job is to "sample"
a population, in order to learn about the entire population. If you're having trouble mapping so many data points,
consider taking a "sample" of the data.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 29, 1999
Hummers appeared in Wisconsin and Minnesota this week. Meanwhile in the West, why do you suppose
rufous hummingbirds find their way to Alaska before Idaho?
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 22, 1999
Buried among this week's 99 hummingbird sightings we found a note: "This one is MINE!!"
Congratulations to the tiny hummingbird that found its way to Fenton this spring--and to the special man that was
there to greet him.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 15, 1999 Hummingbirds are moving fast! 150 new sightings of ruby-throated hummers are in our database this week
with sightings up to the Great Lakes. How will they survive if the weather gets nasty?
- Hummingbird Migration DATA: April 8, 1999
Here are 80 new sightings for your migration map. Better get busy! Which new
states have hummers reached now?
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 1, 1999
The first rufous hummingbird has arrived in Alaska! Meanwhile in the east, ruby-throated hummers
have suddenly jumped northward--as far as Ohio and Illinois. Hummingbirds and monarch butterflies both drink nectar
from flowers along the migration trail. How do the timing and directions of their migrations compare?
- Hummingbird Migration DATA Update: March 25,
Both Ruby-throated and Rufous Hummingbirds are on the move! Check their progress with this week's
"DATA ONLY" report.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: March 18, 1999
Ruby-throated and Rufous Hummingbirds are starting to migrate. How far north have they gone so far?
How can such tiny birds have such huge and speedy hearts?
- Hummingbird Migration DATA Update: March 11,
How far have the hummingbirds traveled in the past week? What states are they now found in, and
what's the weather like there? Put today's migration data on your map and find out!
- First Reports Are In! Update March 4, 1999
The first reports are in for Rufous and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Why do they collect along the
Pacific and Gulf coasts and the Mexican border? How many times will a Ruby-throated Hummingbird beat its wings
to cross the Gulf of Mexico?
- Hummingbird Migration Update: February 4, 1999
Hummingbirds are some of the most popular birds on the planet because of their tiny size and enormous
power. Imagine their lives in the tropics, where most hummers are right this minute. When will they head north
again? You can simply guess, of course--but why not make a logical prediction?
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