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Journey North News will be posted on Wednesdays
Feb. 3, 17, Mar. 3, 17, 31, Apr. 14, 28 (Encore)

Journey North News
- FINAL Manatee Migration Update: April 28,
As the migration season draws to a close, we thank all of our manatee scientists for a fantastic
season! Today's report includes a final migration map and data for each satellite-tracked manatee. Read the "big"
news about Knicky and some final comments from the scientists. Summarize what you've learned about manatee migration
this spring in your own scientific paper--just as the scientists must now do.
- Manatee Migration Update: April 14, 1999
Much has happened since the last report--take a deep breath and learn who's been on the move! Ranger
Wayne reports on the end of his record-breaking season at Blue Spring. And learn why Dr. Ackerman says three surveys
are better than two.
- Manatee Migration Update: March 31, 1999
Researchers conducted an unprecedented third aerial survey. How many manatees were counted this
time? Cathy has the latest news from the field. And, why is Ranger Wayne becoming the "Lone Ranger" of
Blue Spring S.P.?
- Manatee Migration Update: March 17, 1999
Where's Ivan been? Cathy's got the answer! Meet the three new manatees. Plus, do manatees wear backpacks?
Learn all about the satellite equipment used for tracking manatees. Also, did you solve the "Mo" mystery?
- Manatee Migration Update: March 3, 1999
Ivan was still with his Mom last time, but what about now? Can you solve the "Mo" manatee
mystery? Also, try a really "cool" experiment, and get the latest Manatee survey results for 1999.
- Manatee Migration Update: February 17, 1999
Today we reveal the secret about Dmitra and Ivan, but are they still traveling together? Learn why
Knicky migrated when she did. And read about the record-breaking events from one of the manatees' favorite Florida
"hot spots"!
- Manatee Migration Update: February 3, 1999
Meet this year's migrating manatees--and the scientists who are studying them. Satellite migration
data is included for four manatees. Why do you think the manatees move when and where they do?
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