Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
Region Needed for Your Map:
United States--From Central America (Panama and
north) to southern Canada. However, the majority of sightings
will be reported from the U.S. and Canada.
Monarch Butterflies
Region Needed for Your Map: From
Mexico to southern Canada;
The monarch migration begins in the wintering grounds
in Mexico, located at approximately 19.60N,-99.60W. and moves
north, east of the Rocky Mountains to southern Canada. In Canada,
few sightings should be north of 50 N.
Region Needed for Your Map:
North America--from the lower 48 U.S. states to
Canada and Alaska.
Regions Needed for Your Map: Satellite
data will be provided this spring. Last year, the migration moved
through this region:
New York State to eastern Ontario, Quebec and Labrador.
Caribou Herd
(* Caribou Limited
Region Needed for Your Map:Alaska
and Northwestern Canada, including Yukon and Northwest Territories.

Region Needed for Your Map:
Pacific Ocean--From the lagoons of Baja California, up the entire
Pacific Coast to the Bering and Chukchi Seas, between Alaska and
Region Needed for Your Map:
Florida--Gulf and Atlantic coasts and southern
Georgia coast.
Tulips Gardens, Leaf-Out, Ice-Out
Region Needed for Your Map:
North America--from the lower 48 U.S. states
to Canada and Alaska.

(*Oriole Limited
Region Needed for Your Map:
United States--From Central America (Panama and north) to southern
Canada. However, the majority of sightings will be reported from
the U.S. and Canada.

Whooping Cranes
Region Needed for Your Map:
Wisconsin to Florida.
(Shown in black, the fall migration route is expected to extend
from Wisconsin's Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, across Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida. The cranes
will winter at Florida's Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge.
(* Loon Limited
Region Needed for Your Map:
North America--from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada and Alaska.