Down Day 2 in Green County (+0 Miles)
October 30, 2007: Migration Day 18

Photo Wayne Kryduba

No sunglasses or costume helmets needed today. While it was deceptively calm on the surface, at 1,500 feet the winds were blowing at 30 knots out of the SSW. It's another day off for the birds and team.

The landowners at this stopover site have built a permanent pen for the young cranes' stopover on their private land. It shows how caring, generous private citizens are joining the government and other groups in efforts to bring back this endangered species to eastern North America. Pretty awesome!


In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: (a) On the flight to Green County 2 days ago, #703 decided he wanted to lead. Pilot Richard said, "Pulling in the bar, I attempted to catch him but he persisted." Why do you think the pilot wants to be in the lead position during flight? Why might 703 want to be in the lead?
    (b-for-bonus) During the Oct. 28 flight Richard had six cranes on his wing. He said, "The other five, not wanting to be left behind, kept up. Eventually the trike and six birds were approaching 50 miles per hour (mph) air speed!" Cranes usually fly around 35-38 mph. Based on what you know about what makes good flying conditions, how do you think they could achieve that speed?


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).