Almost a Fly Day (+0 Miles)
November 28, 2007: Migration Day 47

The top cover plane is in the air, searching for #733.

The team is standing down today despite clear skies and calm conditions on the surface. During a test flight, the pilots discovered headwinds more than 15 mph and had to call it a no-go.

The team is making a new plan for the search for #733. They have checked most of southeastern Indiana and a good part of Kentucky. That same area has been searched from the ground. They haven't heard even a single beep from 733's transmitter. Today is another chance.

Flock News
Meanwhile, ICF tracker Sara Zimorski reported news on the wild whoopers of the new Eastern flock. "We had at least 15 birds leave on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22)." Sara suspects others also left that day but no definite sightings have been reported. Sara thinks the few remaining in Wisconsin may leave today! A few of the flock are at Hiwassee in TN (where our chicks are headed!), and others are in IL and IN. "The weather hasn't been great for the birds continuing migration but two pairs pushed through and are probably close to or on their winter territories," reports Sara.

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: Why are ultralight flights shorter than wild crane flights? Think of a reason, then read Joe's comments and see if you can answer the questions on that page.
  • Migration History: This is Day 47, and on Day 47 in the 2003 migration the cranes and planes made a record-setting flight. How many miles did they fly? >>


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).